Permeable Concrete

Engineered high-strength DriveCon® permeable concrete paving.

The environment is constantly being paved by hard impervious surfaces like ready mix concrete and asphalt which contribute to flash flooding and increased ground temperatures.

Permeable or Pervious or Porous concrete paving is becoming a popular tool at the design phase to help combat this ever-increasing problem. Here at WaterPave we have been hard at work since 2012 creating a permeable paving system that is fit for purpose that withstands vehicle movement and loads and the harsh UV climate of Australia.

Unlike “no-fines” concrete, DriveCon™ by WaterPave is a patented system using patented admixtures, specially-formulated to produce a fit for purpose permeable concrete pavement. This has enabled WaterPave to achieve a 50 year design life for commercial applications, the first of its kind in Australia for pavements.

DriveCon® is our high strength rigid permeable concrete which can be designed and constructed to handle a multitude of applications from pedestrian loads to heavy commercial truck loads while exceeding water infiltration rates exceeding 30,000mm/hr.

Standard Colour Range

Here is our current range of standard colours, achieved by adding oxide to the mixture when batching. Other colours are available upon request. Please note that these are indicative only and may differ from the actual product!


Bluestone oxide

Charcoal oxide

Peppercorn oxide

Sandstone oxide

Soapstone oxide

Papyrus oxide

Ravine oxide

Choose Color Scheme